Apple iPhone OS 4.0 to take on Blackberry

The newest version of the Apple iPhone operating system - OS 4.0 - is set to go head to head with Blackberry by including business email support.

- Apple iPhone 4.0 to feature touch-sensitive case?

The iPhone has seen low sales to office workers due to it's perceived lack of security, and Apple's 'hands off' approach to security developers.

The eagerly awaited new version of the Apple iPhone OS will also include support for encryption and a series of business-focussed APIs, according to analysts.

“I've spoken to a variety of serious security players over the last few months, and they have been in talks with Apple over this -  the business market is definitely one that Apple is targeting. OS 4.0 will contain a variety of security APIs, including email encryption”, said Alan Goode, analyst, Goode Intelligence.

Other rumoured features of the new iPhone OS include long-awaited multitasking to take on the Palm Pre and Nokia N900. System-wide multitouch is also thought to be on the menu.



Apple iPhone OS 4.0 to take on Blackberry

The newest version of the Apple iPhone operating system – OS 4.0 – is set to go head to head with Blackberry by including business email support.

Apple iPhone 4.0 to feature touch-sensitive case?

The iPhone has seen low sales to office workers due to it’s perceived lack of security, and Apple’s ‘hands off’ approach to security developers.

The eagerly awaited new version of the Apple iPhone OS will also include support for encryption and a series of business-focussed APIs, according to analysts.

“I’ve spoken to a variety of serious security players over the last few months, and they have been in talks with Apple over this –  the business market is definitely one that Apple is targeting. OS 4.0 will contain a variety of security APIs, including email encryption”, said Alan Goode, analyst, Goode Intelligence.

Other rumoured features of the new iPhone OS include long-awaited multitasking to take on the Palm Pre and Nokia N900. System-wide multitouch is also thought to be on the menu.



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