WP iPhone: Thinking about Stats

One of the most requested features for the WordPress iPhone app has been to include site statistics such as pageviews per post, referrals, and the like inside the app. In fact, according to this trac ticket from 17 months ago, it’s been something we’ve wanted to do for a very long time.

Many of us use the WordPress.com stats for our WordPress.com sites and self-hosted WordPress sites via the plugin. In our WordPress dashboard, we see charts like this:

What I’d love to know is what would people like to see both data wise, and visually, from inside the WordPress for iPhone app – and if something like push notification for stats would be of interest ? If you have any thoughts, please leave them in the comments below, or if you are a developer with specific implementation ideas, please head over to the WP iPhone dev blog.

And also be sure to checkout the standalone iPhone WordPress.com stats app from a company called Menial. They built the app by hooking into the WordPress.com Stats API — and the app is something I use all the time to track my own blog stats.

WP iPhone: Thinking about Stats

One of the most requested features for the WordPress iPhone app has been to include site statistics such as pageviews per post, referrals, and the like inside the app. In fact, according to this trac ticket from 17 months ago, it’s been something we’ve wanted to do for a very long time.

Many of us use the WordPress.com stats for our WordPress.com sites and self-hosted WordPress sites via the plugin. In our WordPress dashboard, we see charts like this:

What I’d love to know is what would people like to see both data wise, and visually, from inside the WordPress for iPhone app – and if something like push notification for stats would be of interest ? If you have any thoughts, please leave them in the comments below, or if you are a developer with specific implementation ideas, please head over to the WP iPhone dev blog.

And also be sure to checkout the standalone iPhone WordPress.com stats app from a company called Menial. They built the app by hooking into the WordPress.com Stats API — and the app is something I use all the time to track my own blog stats.

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