Twitter Tuesdays | 5 Great Tools To Analyze A Twitter Profile

As part of our Twitter Tuesdays, here are 5 great tools to analyze a Twitter profile. They provide you details about the activity and reach of a user along with some information about the actual person behind the profile.

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Twitter Tuesdays | 5 Great Tools To Analyze A Twitter Profile

You came across somebody on Twitter that you think might be interesting to follow, but you are afraid of following the wrong type of user and filling your timeline with weird tweets all of a sudden. What if you could get to know more about the person before following him?? Here are some excellent tools to do so:

1. TwitGraph:

We recently told you about TwitGraph as a great tool to get an overview about a Twitter profile. Information about what apps they use, what topics they commonly tweet about and how many tweets do they post on average. TwitGraph displays all this and more in colorful graphs so you can know that user a little better in just a glance.

2. Twitter Analyzer:

Want to know how active the user really is, how many tweets he makes each day and how many people actually ReTweet their stuff? Twitter Analyzer tells you all that along with showing that user’s tweets for any specific day. You can see all this activity in a nice chart along with the user’s readers reach and unique readers reach.

3. TweetPsych:

So you know about the user’s activity, but how about knowing the person behind the profile in detail? TweetPsych does that for you by parsing and analyzing the tweets based on different psychological aspects such as control, social, constructive, positive e.t.c.

4. Twitter Grader:

Let’s say you understand things better when they are in numbers. So exactly how good is a particular user on a scale of 0-100? TwitterGrader tells you that based on number of followers, type of followers, number of friends, number of updates and whole lot of other factors.

5. Twiangulate:

At times, you can only understand something by comparing it with something else. Twiangulate does that for you by telling the common friends and common followers of any 2 or 3 Twitter profiles. It also tells you if any influential people are following a certain user and the number of obscure friends that user has.

These tools can definitely help you analyze a Twitter user and form an opinion about them. You can also use it to see where you stand compare to other users and how people would perceive you if they analyze your profile.

Twitter Tuesdays | 5 Great Tools To Analyze A Twitter Profile originally appeared on Techie Buzz written by Tehseen Baweja on Tuesday 16th February 2010 07:00:06 AM. Please read the Terms of Use for fair usage guidance.

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