Will iTunes move to The Cloud?

There have been many reports recently suggesting that Apple is planning on making a move to a cloud based system for streaming iTunes content. With Apple obviously already having their foot in the door in terms of cloud technology with MobileMe, the proposition of iTunes streaming it’s content and offering some type of online storage [...]
Will iTunes move to The Cloud?

There have been many reports recently suggesting that Apple is planning on making a move to a cloud based system for streaming iTunes content. With Apple obviously already having their foot in the door in terms of cloud technology with MobileMe, the proposition of iTunes streaming it’s content and offering some type of online storage for users isn’t that big of a leap. After Macworld reported Apple acquiring Lala, a music streaming site which allows US users to purchase and or stream a catalog of over 8 million songs, its obvious that they have at least some plans of implementing the service’s streaming technology into their own services. Macworld also notes, “Streaming music services have become increasingly popular. Both Facebook and Google struck deals with Lala in recent weeks to let users stream songs.” As CNET reports, Apple has already begun the process by contacting their friends at major film studios and record labels in order to get permission to allow users to stream and store their content in an Apple cloud-like service.

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