Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Plugin Releases for 02/15

New Plugins

WP Google-buzz

This plugin automatically displays Google Buzz button for every post and pages.

Receive Links

Integrate a WordPress site with the Receive Links Link Exchange Network. This plugin works with widgets or in the footer. You need a Receive Links account.

WP Sitemap

A HTML sitemap with both post and pages. Easy to implement, just add a shortcode tag in a page. [wp_sitemap] You can add parameters to change the sitemap, exclude, include, sort and paging and so on.

Taxonomy Images

The Taxonomy Images plugin allows users to associate images from the Media Library to categories, tags and custom taxonomies.

Flickr Digest

A simple to use WordPress plugin based on Flickr API which digests all your photos posted in last X days in a single post periodically.

Page.ly MultiEdit

The MultiEdit plugin creates tinyMCE editable regions or “blocks” inside a page template. This is great for creating a template specific content block outside of the normal the_content() output. Perfect for creating two column single page layouts etc.

Updated Plugins


Shashin is a powerful WordPress plugin that lets you display Picasa photos, albums, and videos anywhere in your WordPress site.


This plugin enables you to display how many users are online on your Wordpress site with detailed statistics of where they are and who they are (Members/Guests/Search Bots).

AVH Extended Categories

The AVH Extended Categories Widgets gives you three widgets for displaying categories.

Top 10 – A Page Counter and Popular Posts plugin for WordPress

WordPress doesn’t count page views by default. Top 10 will count the number of page views on your single posts on a daily as well as overall basis. You can then display the page view count on individual posts and pages as well as display a list of most popular posts based on page views.


Prevent and CopyProtect Your WordPress Blog from fraudulent copies.

Weblog Tools Collection: WordPress Plugin Releases for 02/15

New Plugins

WP Google-buzz

This plugin automatically displays Google Buzz button for every post and pages.

Receive Links

Integrate a WordPress site with the Receive Links Link Exchange Network. This plugin works with widgets or in the footer. You need a Receive Links account.

WP Sitemap

A HTML sitemap with both post and pages. Easy to implement, just add a shortcode tag in a page. [wp_sitemap] You can add parameters to change the sitemap, exclude, include, sort and paging and so on.

Taxonomy Images

The Taxonomy Images plugin allows users to associate images from the Media Library to categories, tags and custom taxonomies.

Flickr Digest

A simple to use WordPress plugin based on Flickr API which digests all your photos posted in last X days in a single post periodically.

Page.ly MultiEdit

The MultiEdit plugin creates tinyMCE editable regions or “blocks” inside a page template. This is great for creating a template specific content block outside of the normal the_content() output. Perfect for creating two column single page layouts etc.

Updated Plugins


Shashin is a powerful WordPress plugin that lets you display Picasa photos, albums, and videos anywhere in your WordPress site.


This plugin enables you to display how many users are online on your WordPress site with detailed statistics of where they are and who they are (Members/Guests/Search Bots).

AVH Extended Categories

The AVH Extended Categories Widgets gives you three widgets for displaying categories.

Top 10 – A Page Counter and Popular Posts plugin for WordPress

WordPress doesn’t count page views by default. Top 10 will count the number of page views on your single posts on a daily as well as overall basis. You can then display the page view count on individual posts and pages as well as display a list of most popular posts based on page views.


Prevent and CopyProtect Your WordPress Blog from fraudulent copies.

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