A First Look at the Windows Phone 7 Series

As a professional technology blogger I have had to deal with all types of applications for all sorts of platforms and operating systems. While I do occasionally find great applications, it is very rare that I set eyes upon something truly unique, something the likes of which I have not encountered before. The last time [...]
A First Look at the Windows Phone 7 Series

windowsmobileeAs a professional technology blogger I have had to deal with all types of applications for all sorts of platforms and operating systems. While I do occasionally find great applications, it is very rare that I set eyes upon something truly unique, something the likes of which I have not encountered before. The last time I stumbled upon such a rarity was Jahshaka, an open-source video editing software which had an amazingly unusual feel to it. We bloggers get quite excited about such unique items.

I had been looking forward to the unveiling of Windows Mobile 7 which was promised by Microsoft to be at the Mobile World Congress this year; Windows Mobile 7 has been now officially named the Windows Phone 7 series. From the looks of it, the Windows Phone 7 series seems to be exactly the type of rarity a blogger such as me looks forward to. With the 7 series, Windows seems to have left behind everything they knew and as the phrase goes, started completely from scratch. Evidently the decision to start from scratch worked out beautifully.

WindowsPhone7SeriesFrom the feature-introduction video which Microsoft has released, a lot can be gathered about the interface of the 7 series cellphones. Starting from the new tiled layout of the homescreen, users are provided with a greater number of easy shortcuts to almost everything they frequently access. Smartphone users can order and customize these shortcuts to suit their preferences.

Zune users will notice a lot of similarities between the text layout of Zune and the 7 series cellphones. Lots of bold text take up a lot of the screen and make navigation and reading easier on the eyes. This aspect of the interface is a factor contributing to the overall minimalism policy of these phones which has been appreciated by everyone.

The phone also gives us easier access to the contacts we contact most or contacted more recently. The introduction video suggests a MotoBlur-like experience in which we can use the phone’s interface as a single platform to update all our social networks. This will surely simplify finding people we know over social networks. There will also be synching and organization of our data (pictures, videos, etc.) on our phone, computer, and the internet.

For Microsoft, the Windows Phone 7 series indeed indicates a turn away from their traditional approach and shows a more radical one. When the phones release for retail in Christmas 2010, consumers will be able to experience how Microsoft has revolutionized the mobile phone operating system.

As for us bloggers and ‘tech-junkies’, all we can do right now is stay at the edge of our seats and wait for the year’s end.

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