Search & Download Subtitles for Movie Right from Your Desktop

In past we have covered a tool Sublight which lets you to search and download subtitles for movie from the internet. Now here is yet another similar tool Renaissance it uses OSDB protocol to search & download subtitles for movies. With Renaissance you can search for subtitles of selected movie or video of specific language. It [...]
Search & Download Subtitles for Movie Right from Your Desktop

movies Subtitle logo
In past we have covered a tool Sublight which lets you to search and download subtitles for movie from the internet. Now here is yet another similar tool Renaissance it uses OSDB protocol to search & download subtitles for movies.

With Renaissance you can search for subtitles of selected movie or video of specific language. It also supports Open subtitles, IMDB movie info and many other websites.

Renaissance Add Video

Click on File then Add Video and select the location of movie folder not the file itself only folder. Once you have added all the video now click on search button to search for suibtitles.


Once Renaissance has found subtitles for select video/movie file a list will be provided. Use to check boxes to select the subtitles and then click on download button to download subtitles.

Download Renaissance to search & download subtitles.

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