How to Increase Your Blog Traffic

How to Increase Your Blog Traffic

There are more than 115 millions of blogs now in the world. Majority of those blog are for money making purpose. However, many bloggers fail. They fail because of many reasons, such as no traffic, not willing to invest money, being lazy and so on. Most of these failures are from the problem having no traffic.

In this post, I will share some top secrets on how to increase your traffic. Traffic is very important because you cannot make money online without traffic. Actually, you need to increase your blog traffic before you can make 4 figures income or above .

There are many ways to increase your blog traffic. The following ways may be your reference.

1. Comment on Other Experts’ Blogs
Frequently leave comments on some experts blogs which have high traffic and Alexa ranking will increase your blog traffic as well. Do not comment using anonymous. Remember to leave only quality comment instead of saying a word “Hello”. Leave some quality comments so that other people will get interest on you and then visit your blog.

2. Submit Article to Articles Directories
Article marketing is the oldest way to increase traffic but it still very effective. It will bring you tons of traffic. When I mean tons, I mean it. Submit 10 articles to EzineArticles and GoArticles will do. Do not forget to put a link which link back to your blog. For more information about article marketing, click here.

3. Participate in Community Forums
I like forums. It also brings me lots of traffic. I love forums very much because I can boost my traffic. At the same time, I can always update and enhance my knowledge. Remember to put a link which will link back to your blog in your signature. You can ask a question, discuss a topic, post your ideas and articles in the forums.

4. Social Bookmarking
Social Bookmarking can also increase your traffic. Bookmark your blog posts to social bookmark networks like Digg, StumbleUpon and Reddit. Do not forget to submit your blog post every time you publish a post.

5. Update Your Blog Frequently
Never let your blog die. You will lost many traffic if you do not update your blog for a long time. I suggest you to publish at least 3 posts per week. If you can update your blog everyday, then that’s good =)

6. Use Paid Advertising
Paid advertising will definitely boost your traffic. What you need to control is just your budget. Do not spend too much on paid advertising. You can advertise your blog or sales page via service like Google AdWords. Alternatively, you may us BidVertiser as it is not so expensive compare with AdWords. You can also select a blog which have high visits and Alexa ranking to advertise your blog. Remember that only choose blog which have same niche with you so that you can traget your readers.

7. Organize Contests
Run contests on your blog also a way to boost your blog traffic. The form of contest and gift is based on your budget and what your readers need. Think a creative way which can grab more readers to read your blog post. Example, the top commenter of this month will be rewarded a copy of your e-book.

8. Link Exchange
Link exchange is also a great and effective way to boost your traffic. You can go to Google Blog Search and find few blogs which have same niche with you and request link exchange with the webmasters by contact them. If you able to exchange a link with a blog which have high visits and traffic, your traffic also will increase after that =)

9. Submit Your Blog to Blog Directories
This step is very important to get traffic for your blog. Submit your blogs to Technorati, Techmeme, Blogcatalog and other blog directories. Blog directories are places which you can submit your blog to get massive traffic. Thus, do not be lazy on this.

10. Offer Something Free
I realize that many people like free stuff. Even me like free stuff. This way works if you are creative enough and you know what stuff your readers actually need. If you are using auto responder for blogging, you can gift out free stuff to encourage more people join your mailing list. If your free stuff is good, your readers will definitely announce and tell their friends. Then, your traffic will increase too.

These are the main 10 ways you can use to get tons of traffic for your blog. No harm to give out a try. After that what you need is blog with consistency and repeating doing them. Do not ever give out because your are surely failed if you quit. Try to find out your problem and solve it. This article will be helpful if you want to increase your blog traffic.

Find out what I am doing by following my twitter. If you need to know more about making money online stuff, don’t forget to subscribe my e-mail updates so that you will not miss any post.

I am Jeen Hao. an ordinary guy, who show high interest in online making money. I am currently running a blog which provide couples of make money online information at his blog. Check it out and you will know the tactics and secrets of make money blogging.

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