Rumor: Next PS3 firmware will have Facebook integration

  A set of three screenshots have been making rounds of the Internet,‭ ‬apparently picked up directly from PlayStation website.‭ ‬These images reveal some of possible new features of an XMB update like Facebook integration. Apparently,‭ ‬the images were first picked up by ScrawlFX and later by Joystiq and now it’s all over the place.‭ ‬The images also indicate couple of other minor changes to the interface—an option to change you [...]
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Rumor: Next PS3 firmware will have Facebook integration

A set of three screenshots have been making rounds of the Internet,‭ ‬apparently picked up directly from PlayStation website.‭ ‬These images reveal some of possible new features of an XMB update like Facebook integration.

Apparently,‭ ‬the images were first picked up by ScrawlFX and later by Joystiq and now it’s all over the place.‭ ‬The images also indicate couple of other minor changes to the interface—an option to change you […]
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