Mark Jaquith: How to get your plugin removed from the directory

The following is a non-exhaustive list of things you can do to get your plugin rejected or removed from the plugin directory.

Yes, this is tongue-in-cheek. This is a list of things NOT TO DO.

  1. Give it a license that is incompatible with WordPress’ license.
  2. Host your plugin elsewhere, and only use the plugin listing as a pointer to that.
  3. Use base64 encoding to hide your plugin code or obfuscate HTML that you’re injecting into people’s blogs.
  4. Insert SEO spam links into people’s blogs (like <a href=””>video poker</a>).
  5. Insert external links (like a credit link, <a href=””>My Awesome Plugin by Awesome Sauce</a>) into their blog without explicitly asking their permission, or make the default option be to insert the link.
  6. Load portions of the code from an external site for no valid reason, or use any other trick to work around #3, #4 and #5.
  7. Harvest people’s e-mail addresses or require registration to activate the plugin.
  8. Explicitly state or imply that users of the plugin must pay you money in order to use the plugin.
  9. Make the plugin a “requirements check” or bootstrapper for some other plugin, hosted elsewhere. See #2.
  10. Make it do something illegal.
  11. Make it do something sneaky, underhanded, or otherwise dishonest or immoral. Maybe a plugin that disables all plugins by a plugin author you don’t particularly like. Harvest the user’s password. Use your imagination!

Again, this is a list of things not to do. It is not comprehensive. Be cool, think of how your plugin benefits its users, and write awesome plugins.

Mark Jaquith: How to get your plugin removed from the directory

The following is a non-exhaustive list of things you can do to get your plugin rejected or removed from the plugin directory.

Yes, this is tongue-in-cheek. This is a list of things NOT TO DO.

  1. Give it a license that is incompatible with WordPress’ license.
  2. Host your plugin elsewhere, and only use the plugin listing as a pointer to that.
  3. Use base64 encoding to hide your plugin code or obfuscate HTML that you’re injecting into people’s blogs.
  4. Insert SEO spam links into people’s blogs (like <a href=””>video poker</a>).
  5. Insert external links (like a credit link, <a href=””>My Awesome Plugin by Awesome Sauce</a>) into their blog without explicitly asking their permission, or make the default option be to insert the link.
  6. Load portions of the code from an external site for no valid reason, or use any other trick to work around #3, #4 and #5.
  7. Harvest people’s e-mail addresses or require registration to activate the plugin.
  8. Explicitly state or imply that users of the plugin must pay you money in order to use the plugin.
  9. Make the plugin a “requirements check” or bootstrapper for some other plugin, hosted elsewhere. See #2.
  10. Make it do something illegal.
  11. Make it do something sneaky, underhanded, or otherwise dishonest or immoral. Maybe a plugin that disables all plugins by a plugin author you don’t particularly like. Harvest the user’s password. Use your imagination!

Again, this is a list of things not to do. It is not comprehensive. Be cool, think of how your plugin benefits its users, and write awesome plugins.

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