Mac Box Set at Great Deals Through Amazon!

9to5Mac reports Amazon significantly lowering prices on Mac Box Sets for US and UK customers, “an impressive £40 off the usual cost to UK customers, and a pleasing $32 price cut for readers in the US.” While most of us Apple fanatics have switched to Snow Leopard for most of their machines, there are still a [...]
Mac Box Set at Great Deals Through Amazon!

Mac_Box_Set_box9to5Mac reports Amazon significantly lowering prices on Mac Box Sets for US and UK customers, “an impressive £40 off the usual cost to UK customers, and a pleasing $32 price cut for readers in the US.”

While most of us Apple fanatics have switched to Snow Leopard for most of their machines, there are still a ton of people out there that haven’t and this is definitely a great opportunity to do so. While many people are speculating that this might mean the introduction of possible a new iLife/ iWork line up from Apple, you truly wont be able to find a better price for software included. Besides, the majority of the people who buy the package before an unannounced product upgrade, such as iLife, will more than likely get a discount for upgrading to the latest version.

What’s Included in the Mac Box Set?

Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard
iLife ’09 featuring iPhoto ’09, iMovie ’09. GarageBand ’09, iWeb ’09 and iDVD
iWork featuring Keynote ’09, Pages ’09, and Numbers ‘09

The Mac Box Set (Single User Version) is officially available through Amazon at £90.45 for UK users, opposed to Apple’s list price of £132. American users will see a decent discount as well at $136.99 opposed to Apple’s usual $169.

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