iPhone App Review: Spend Or Save

This is a simple app that allows a user to decide whether to spend or save. I reviewed this app and I thought that it was a great idea and a very simple yet useful tool. From what I understand the creator of this app wrote it for his own personal use, and because of [...]
iPhone App Review: Spend Or Save

This is a simple app that allows a user to decide whether to spend or save. I reviewed this app and I thought that it was a great idea and a very simple yet useful tool. From what I understand the creator of this app wrote it for his own personal use, and because of demand, thought that it would be worthwhile to sell it. If this app gets people to question whether or not to spend cash or invest then it is worth the money paid.

Spend or Save Pros:

This app is built on the simple thought “save my money or spend my money.” Novel idea for most Americans that think that spending is the only thing that our money is good for, and when that runs out, there’s always credit. This app is used as a calculator that takes an amount (determined by the user) and gives a theorized look at what  that money would look like, if invested.

So let’s say you have $800 dollars to spend on a new flat screen TV. Spend or Save? Well if you save it and invest it, this amount of money could be closer to $13,100 in 20 years. That is how this app works. Simple yet informative.

Spend of Save Cons:

Now for the cons. I could not find a con for this app so instead I want to talk about where it could go in the future if the creator wanted to make it more useful. If this app were to be marketed to investment companies, they may be interested in providing links for the use of their services to actually make that 800 dollars turn into the 13,100 dollars. Something as simple as that would turn this ultra simple app into a money making gold mine. Take it or leave it.

I was impressed more with the principles of this app than the usefulness. We see to many loan calculators (That’s what we need. More ways to spend money.)  and not enough calculators that question whether or not we should spend our rent money on a new statue to put in our bathroom. Hmmmm. Sorry, low blow to the homeless guy with a statue. Pretty cool app. I like it.


– Great principles
– Does the math for you. (think of the possibilities.)


– A little to simple
– Need to find better ways to monetize

I give this app a 7/10 because it is well written but still has opportunities to improve.


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