How to downgrade Version 6.31 on you PSP it a Pandora Battery and Magic Memory Stick to help you to downgrade any firmware I’m show you that my PSP-2000 and PSP-3000 to prove it that PSP-3000 doesn’t work to downgrade that right it doesn’t work, every time I saw you poeple keep saying “does it work PSP-3001?” and so you people don’t understand that, it doesn’t work I just show you it doesn’t work. here’s the links that I got that stuff to downgrade, by to thanks of the video’s they helped me to downgrade I’m sure that will help you too. How to make Pandora Battery slim and restore How to make Pandora Battery for Fat and Slim (it works with slim too) if you just search without open, it says that “you need Custom Firmware to do that” stupid 😛 How to make Magic Memory Stick 5.00 M33-4 for Fat and Slim “it doesn’t work for PSP-3000 and PSP-Go, it does work on PSP-3000 to make MMS but it can’t downgrade” that’s right poeple I download from that video, that for me to downgrade any frimware like downgrade or update Custom Firmware and Official Firmware. Enjoy to downgrade or update your PSP