Hide/Archive Google Buzz Updates In Gmail Inbox

Google Buzz was launched today, and people have already begun complaining about the lack of options to disable Buzz from sending you email updates. If you are a Google Buzz user, here is how you can hide updates from Google Buzz from showing up in your Gmail Inbox.

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Hide/Archive Google Buzz Updates In Gmail Inbox

Google Buzz was launched today, and people have already begun complaining about the lack of options to disable Buzz from sending you email updates. If you are a Google Buzz user, here is how you can hide updates from Google Buzz from showing up in your Gmail Inbox.

Google Buzz Email Update

Google has a reserved label for Google Buzz updates called "buzz", in order to hide email updates from Google Buzz, you will have to create a filter using "label:buzz" and then archive all the emails automatically. To create the filter, follow the steps given below.

Create label:buzz filter in Gmail

Step 1: Create a filter in Gmail, and use the and enter "label:buzz" in the "Has the words" text box. Ignore the alert that is shown by Google and click the Ok button to continue to the next step.

Step 2: On the next screen, select the checkbox next to "Skip the Inbox (Archive it)". You might also want to select the checkbox next to "Also apply filter to xx conversation below." to archive the current Google Buzz updates.

Step 3: Click on Create Filter and you are all done, new updates from Google Buzz will be automatically archived the next time.

If you want to search for new Google Buzz updates in Gmail, you can search for "label:buzz" and all the Google Buzz updates will be displayed to you.

[via Life Hacker]

Hide/Archive Google Buzz Updates In Gmail Inbox originally appeared on Techie Buzz written by Keith Dsouza on Tuesday 9th February 2010 06:42:10 PM. Please read the Terms of Use for fair usage guidance.

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