Google backs HTC in Apple suit, where do you stand?

Google has offered unequivocal support to HTC after Apple issued a lawsuit against the Taiwanese handset manufacturer alleging up to 20 patent infringements.


With HTC handsets like the HTC Hero, and the forthcoming Legend and Desire, all running the Google Android operating system, the search giant has moved quickly to offer support to its chief Android ally.


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"We are not a party to this lawsuit. However, we stand behind our Android operating system and the partners who have helped us to develop it," said a Google spokeswoman yesterday. HTC has also moved to deny the allegations, which include both hardware and software.  


But which side are you on? Team Apple? Or Team HTC? Do you think Apple needs to back-off with the lawsuits already, or is it simply protecting the ideas which have revolutionised the smartphone industry. Let us know in the poll below and tweet us your views @t3dotcom


In a game of legal chess, the Google Queen has emerged from its defensive line to protect its brave Android Knight against the advances of Apple's forces. In essence, Google has issued a warning: You mess with my Knight, you mess with me.


Meanwhile, while Apple has gone after the Knight, in a tactical manoeuvre, there's no doubting its real target. They want the Queen's head on a silver platter. This could get ugly.


Google backs HTC in Apple suit, where do you stand?

Google has offered unequivocal support to HTC after Apple issued a lawsuit against the Taiwanese handset manufacturer alleging up to 20 patent infringements.


With HTC handsets like the HTC Hero, and the forthcoming Legend and Desire, all running the Google Android operating system, the search giant has moved quickly to offer support to its chief Android ally.


Tweet us your views @t3dotcom

10 Reasons why we love Android

Is Google taking over the world?

Greatest tech lawsuits


"We are not a party to this lawsuit. However, we stand behind our Android operating system and the partners who have helped us to develop it," said a Google spokeswoman yesterday. HTC has also moved to deny the allegations, which include both hardware and software.  


But which side are you on? Team Apple? Or Team HTC? Do you think Apple needs to back-off with the lawsuits already, or is it simply protecting the ideas which have revolutionised the smartphone industry. Let us know in the poll below and tweet us your views @t3dotcom


In a game of legal chess, the Google Queen has emerged from its defensive line to protect its brave Android Knight against the advances of Apple’s forces. In essence, Google has issued a warning: You mess with my Knight, you mess with me.


Meanwhile, while Apple has gone after the Knight, in a tactical manoeuvre, there’s no doubting its real target. They want the Queen’s head on a silver platter. This could get ugly.


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