Download Firefox 3.7 Alpha 1 Gecko 1.9.3 Developer Preview

Firefox 3.6 was released on January 2010 and Mozilla is getting ready for Firefox 3.7. We had reported about first developer milestone release of Firefox 3.7 to developers back in August 2009, after almost six month Mozilla is back with first Firefox 3.7 Alpha 1 and its up for grab at Mozilla FTP server. Firefox 3.7 [...]
Download Firefox 3.7 Alpha 1 Gecko 1.9.3 Developer Preview

Firefox 3.7
Firefox 3.6 was released on January 2010 and Mozilla is getting ready for Firefox 3.7. We had reported about first developer milestone release of Firefox 3.7 to developers back in August 2009, after almost six month Mozilla is back with first Firefox 3.7 Alpha 1 and its up for grab at Mozilla FTP server.

Firefox 3.7 Alpha 1 is Developer Preview of Gecko 1.9.3. Mozilla recommends normal users to stay away from Firefox 3.7 and it has been released only for developers for testing purposes only, with no end-user support.

Firefox 3.7 Alpha 1 Gecko 1.9.3 introduces several new features which can be tested by using this Mozilla Developer Preview. Here is list of additions in the developers preview.

1. Support for CSS Transitions. This support is not quite complete: support for animation of transforms and gradients has not yet been implemented.
2. Support for SMIL Animation in SVG. Support for animating some SVG attributes is still under development.
3. Support for WebGL, which is disabled by default but can be enabled by changing a preference.
4. Support for the getClientRects and getBoundingClientRect methods on Range objects.
5. Support for the mozMatchesSelector API.
6. Support for the setCapture and releaseCapture methods on DOM elements.
7. Support for the HTML5 History.pushState() and History.replaceState() methods.
8. Support for the -moz-image-rect() value for background-image.

Download Firefox 3.7 Alpha 1.

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