Customize Windows 7 Theme and Windows Live Messenger with Experience Pack

With Windows Experience Pack, you can create a Windows 7 desktop theme complete with a desktop background, a screensaver, an avatar which can be personalized and used with Windows Live messenger.
Customize Windows 7 Theme and Windows Live Messenger with Experience Pack

Even before Windows 7 enters the mainstream user market and starts shipping with everyWindows 7 Logo personal computer, it is already very popular with its users and reviewers. The best feature users could find out in Windows 7  were not just its security and easy of use, but also the possibilities to customize it to suit an individuals needs.

With the launch of new Windows Experience Pack, the way you can customize the looks of Windows 7, in terms of looks and themes, is now just limited to your imagination.The new Windows Experience pack not only assists you in customizing the looks of your Windows 7 desktop, but also makes skinning the popular Windows Live messenger very easy. As quoted on the Windowsteamblog:

“With the Windows Experience Pack, you are able create an alter-ego of yourself in a specific destination – a beach, mountain, safari, or city. When you create your alter-ego, you create a fully customized avatar for that destination that becomes a part of a Windows Live Messenger and Windows 7 theme for your PC. You’ll also be able to download a .jpg image of your avatar to share, print, or use as your icon on social networks.”

Windows Experience Pack is an application which is hosted on Cloud. It produces an executable with the Windows 7 and Windows Live Messenger customization package following the user preferences. Once download and execute it, the customization package will offer customers the possibility of saving the avatar locally and choose Bing as the default search engine, and the MSN website as the default home page.

With Windows Experience Pack, you can create a Windows 7 desktop theme complete with a desktop background, a screensaver, an avatar which can be personalized and used with Windows Live messenger.

Though the Windows Experience back and optimized primarily for Windows 7, you can even use it to personalize your Windows XP or Windows Vista desktop, but performance may vary.

You can get to know more about Windows Experience pack and download it from here.

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