Apple in talks with UK operators over tablet

With the hype and excitement reaching near bursting point, just a week before the expected launch, Apple is said to be in talks with UK operators over network partnerships for its tablet PC.

It is claimed that Orange, O2 and Vodafone are all keen to stock the hugely anticipated device that is responsible for causing the biggest buzz in all of techland.


- Apple iPhone 4.0 OS leaked information: available for iPhone 3G and 3GS

- Apple poised to launch "latest creation" next week

It is believed that operators will bundle the rumoured iSlate in with 3G mobile broadband contracts, subsidising the expected £800 cost of the tablet PC.

Currently nothing more than rumour and speculation, Apple’s tablet PC is expected to come crashing into the realms of reality on January 27th when the San Francisco-based company unveils its “latest creation”.

The rumour-mongers of tech land, currently salivating at any sniff of tablet related-information, recently pounced all over a French Orange executive who claimed his company would stock Apple’s elusive tablet before hastily retracting the statement.

Unlike with the iPhone, which initially received exclusive network deals, it is not believed that an Apple tablet will be tethered solely to one operator.

Although likely to launch next week, it could well be a while before Apple’s tablet hits UK stores, giving operators time to finalise deals. Stay tuned to for all the latest iSlate revelations.

Link: Apple (via Guardian)



Apple in talks with UK operators over tablet

With the hype and excitement reaching near bursting point, just a week before the expected launch, Apple is said to be in talks with UK operators over network partnerships for its tablet PC.

It is claimed that Orange, O2 and Vodafone are all keen to stock the hugely anticipated device that is responsible for causing the biggest buzz in all of techland.


Apple iPhone 4.0 OS leaked information: available for iPhone 3G and 3GS

Apple poised to launch "latest creation" next week

It is believed that operators will bundle the rumoured iSlate in with 3G mobile broadband contracts, subsidising the expected £800 cost of the tablet PC.

Currently nothing more than rumour and speculation, Apple’s tablet PC is expected to come crashing into the realms of reality on January 27th when the San Francisco-based company unveils its “latest creation”.

The rumour-mongers of tech land, currently salivating at any sniff of tablet related-information, recently pounced all over a French Orange executive who claimed his company would stock Apple’s elusive tablet before hastily retracting the statement.

Unlike with the iPhone, which initially received exclusive network deals, it is not believed that an Apple tablet will be tethered solely to one operator.

Although likely to launch next week, it could well be a while before Apple’s tablet hits UK stores, giving operators time to finalise deals. Stay tuned to for all the latest iSlate revelations.

Link: Apple (via Guardian)



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