“A very special on-screen performance”

“A very special on-screen performance”

Git me outa this hospital!!! … hak5 hak5darren darren kitchen

  1. Drinking the Alien cocktail. Sounds like a probe job to me. See if you can get a feed. You may have a very special RSA key tattooed inside your iner guty thingers… Live long And Prosper. 😉

  2. Glad to hear you’re getting better, best wishes.

    (Also pleased to see you’re using my wallpaper 😀 )

  3. I hope you feel better. Are you still trying to find out what’s wrong?

  4. Hope it all goes well and you can enjoy some good holiday time.

  5. i hope you do get out in time to get home. i hope this visit isn’t emptying out your wallet. i’m a stranger but have been so worried about you. i’m not sure what kind of pains you’ve been having. i went through hell 5 years ago myself, but feeling better finally. wishing you all the best.

  6. Good to hear that you’re doing better!

  7. no WiFi pineapple 🙁 LOL

  8. Get better soon

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