Hospital night 2: I Want a Turkey Ruben

Hospital night 2: I Want a Turkey Ruben

Tired and off the pain meds … hak5 hak5darren darren kitchen ruben

  1. I hope you get well soon Darren! Can’t wait to see the hospital edition of Hak5.

  2. poor Darren 🙁 Hope you get back to hacking soon!!

  3. I hope you feel better soon mate – God bless you, from the UK :-).

  4. Get well soon man!! Technolust FTW!!

  5. Darren I found some people to hack you back to normal.Unfortunately they work for AOL.Turkey Rueben FTW(Get Well Soon)

  6. Oops, forgot to log out of a friends account. Anyway, hope you don’t have to go under the knife.

  7. Toronto hopes you get better. If you make it here I’ll have a Ruben ready in a tupperware container.

  8. hope you feel much better, and really glad you are not still a zombie, we have seen what happens to those. Next time you are in Tennessee I will make you a Ruben.

  9. Get Well Darren.

  10. Get well soon Darren.

  11. Get better soon..

  12. Hak5 carries on that is why this show is just so good. %110 dedication under the most extreme circumstances.

  13. Glad to see you getting a bit of strength back. Hope you’re out of there and on that flight in time for a decent Christmas.

    You’re a lucky sod with so much portable technology available. Last time I was shacked up in a hospital all I had was a b/w gameboy with nothing but tetris and then that ran out of batteries.

  14. Shooting in the hospital? Man that is dedication.

    Glad to see you’re feeling a bit better. And here’s hoping you are not spending your Christmas in there.


  15. You’re hardcore. 🙂

  16. Darren Get Better mate 🙂

  17. lol turkey rueben! get better man! love that you’re editing video well in the hospital bed

  18. Nice to see you getting better.Thanks for update and if you have been a nice boy I’ll send you some turkey with DHL stuffed with some extra mojo juice 😀

  19. much love for our fellow nerd, glad you are doing better.

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