Zomato hacked – User Data Available for Sale $1,001

Zomato hacked – User Data Available for Sale $1,001

According to Hackeread.com, a user by the name of “nclay” claimed to have hacked Zomato and was willing to sell data pertaining to 17 million registered users on a popular Dark Web marketplace.

This included emails and password hashes of registered Zomato users with the price set for the whole package at $1,001.43 (BTC 0.5587) – BTC here stands for Bitcoins. Hackeread adds the vendor also published data and evidence to prove it was genuine.

Payment related information on Zomato is stored separately from this (stolen) data in a highly secure PCI Data Security Standard (DSS) compliant vault. No payment information or credit card data has been stolen/leaked.

Zomato, in a blog post

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