WordPress.tv: WordCamp NYC Video Recap: WordPress as CMS, 5-Minute Talks, and More

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve published every video we could collect from WordCamp NYC this past November. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to get everything, but there are some fantastic sessions here and I thought it’d be great to give you a rundown of what’s available. These sessions are really worthwhile.

If you don’t have a lot of time available, why not check out one or two of the five-minute sessions?

(Please note that some of the videos were recorded at very low audio levels. You may have to turn your speakers up a bunch to hear well.)

Jane Wells and Steve Bruner kicked things off with these opening remarks.

WordPress as CMS Track

Open Source Track

Beginning Developer Track

Advanced Developer Track

Academic Track

Five-Minute Talks

On the second day of WordCamp NYC, speakers were invited to give five-minute “Ignite-style” sessions to summarize their topic for the entire group. Most of those sessions are here as well.

Thank You!

Many thanks go out to the videographers who took the time and effort to both capture and send us these videos.

The next WordCamp up for posting is WordCamp Boston. The first wave of sessions will begin showing up today, and the rest will follow over the coming weeks. We’ve also got some new tutorials from users like you on the way.

If you attend a WordCamp and you have experience recording video of speakers, why not think about bringing your ability to the table and volunteering to record some or all the sessions? WordCamps are always looking for sharp, bright volunteers to help bring the experience to others.

If you have video that should be published on WordPress.tv, drop us a line.

WordPress.tv: WordCamp NYC Video Recap: WordPress as CMS, 5-Minute Talks, and More

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve published every video we could collect from WordCamp NYC this past November. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to get everything, but there are some fantastic sessions here and I thought it’d be great to give you a rundown of what’s available. These sessions are really worthwhile.

If you don’t have a lot of time available, why not check out one or two of the five-minute sessions?

(Please note that some of the videos were recorded at very low audio levels. You may have to turn your speakers up a bunch to hear well.)

Jane Wells and Steve Bruner kicked things off with these opening remarks.

WordPress as CMS Track

Open Source Track

Beginning Developer Track

Advanced Developer Track

Academic Track

Five-Minute Talks

On the second day of WordCamp NYC, speakers were invited to give five-minute “Ignite-style” sessions to summarize their topic for the entire group. Most of those sessions are here as well.

Thank You!

Many thanks go out to the videographers who took the time and effort to both capture and send us these videos.

The next WordCamp up for posting is WordCamp Boston. The first wave of sessions will begin showing up today, and the rest will follow over the coming weeks. We’ve also got some new tutorials from users like you on the way.

If you attend a WordCamp and you have experience recording video of speakers, why not think about bringing your ability to the table and volunteering to record some or all the sessions? WordCamps are always looking for sharp, bright volunteers to help bring the experience to others.

If you have video that should be published on WordPress.tv, drop us a line.

We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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