WordPress.com Launches FoodPress

Just a few days ago, I was trying to decide what to do with my significantly neglected WordPress.com blog, and I decided that I was going to start a food blog “just like everyone else on WordPress.com.” Well, it looks like I wasn’t alone in that far-reaching generalization. Just in time for the food-filled fall
WordPress.com Launches FoodPress

Just a few days ago, I was trying to decide what to do with my significantly neglected WordPress.com blog, and I decided that I was going to start a food blog “just like everyone else on WordPress.com.” Well, it looks like I wasn’t alone in that far-reaching generalization.

Just in time for the food-filled fall and winter holidays, WordPress.com has launched the simply awesome and hunger-inspiring FoodPress.

FoodPress features the best food-related posts from WordPress.com’s network of over 14 million blogs. The posts are hand-picked “by scouring food-related tag pages like food, recipes, baking, cocktails, and more,” so don’t forget to tag your posts!

I hope that FoodPress is the first in a long line of GenrePressing WordPress.com blogs, and I hope that technology and photography are next.

What do you think of FoodPress, and what kind of GenrePressing blogs do you want to see next?

P.S. GenrePress – you heard it here first, though I am officially licensing the term under the GPL.

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