What is Apple Going to Unveil on 27th Jan ? Full Review

There is surely something special about Apple and January 27, 2010. Even if not, the whole online world is buzzing with rumors about the products that Apple will be unveiling in the event it is hosting on 27th January. The products from Apple’s development house have always been most anticipated and rumored. The products have always [...]
What is Apple Going to Unveil on 27th Jan ? Full Review

Apple Event

There is surely something special about Apple and January 27, 2010. Even if not, the whole online world is buzzing with rumors about the products that Apple will be unveiling in the event it is hosting on 27th January.

The products from Apple’s development house have always been most anticipated and rumored. The products have always been surrounded with speculation be it iPhone, iPod or any other. This time, the most rumored products are: a tablet PC from Apple (rumored as iSlate), the new version of Apple iPhone OS  ( iPhone OS 4.0) and iLife 2010 software.

Foxnews has confirmed the exact date and timings of the event, as quoted on the website:

Apple sent out invitations to selected media outlets this morning, asking people to “join us for an invitation-only event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Theater in San Francisco on January 27 at 10:00a.m.”

On the same venue, that marked the return of Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs after health problems, the company will unveil its latest creation, as it invites the journalists by sending an email invitation.

If we really do get to see the walk-through of a new tablet from Apple (or an iSlate) in the event, it will be the first major product from company in 3 years, after iPhone. As many people are saying and blogs are reporting, iSlate is presumed to bridge the gap between smartphones and laptops. We have already seen many rumored pictures of a concept tablet from Apple before like this:


Apple has always been known to keep things secret till the last-minute. So, we cannot even confirm that we will see a new tablet from Apple. But this tablet is rumored to have been in development since years, and this time is perfect for Apple to surprise the fans with another innovation that can rule the computing era for another decade, much like the iPhone or iPod. But, at the same, the company cannot ignore its competitors like HP, Lenovo and others who have already showcased their tablet prototypes at the CES a few days ago.

No news or details about Apple tablet (iSlate), or iPhone OS 4.0 or iLife 2010 is confirmed till now, but still the brand name Apple will be enough for people around the world to be excited and keep their fingers crossed for this big event.

Here is our review and speculation about what we expect to see at this big event:

Apple Tablet

Apple tablet will be a new mobile device from Apple that will be a crossover between tablet PCs and ultra-thin notebooks. It will be a multi-touch device and will most probably include all the features that a new generation notebook includes: cloud-hosted OS, average storage memory, no optical drive but with a much larger display. The screen size of this device can be anywhere between 7-12 inches. BoyGenius has reported the size of its screen to be 7 inches, and many tech blogs are going by its words. But we disagree to this fact. We expect the size of screen in this device to be atleast 10-11 inches. Also, this event will most probably be just a demo of this conceptual device. Many blogs have claimed the availability of this device until March 2010. But we think, this device will take many more months to be available as a finished product.

Apple iPhone OS 4.0

Obviously as Apple has clarified in its invitation mail to everyone, it will not just be only the new tablet that will be gathering all the media coverage, people will also witness the new and improved iPhone OS 4.0.


As we expect, Apple will only show a demo of the new iPhone 4.0 and no physical implementation. But still the features we are expecting are important enough to be atleast announced at this event. We think that the new iPhone OS 4.0 will be more focussed towards multi-touch and multitasking. From multiple sources, the highlights of the iPhone 4.0 will be:

  1. Multi-touch: iPhone OS 4.0 will introduce system wide support for multi-touch.
  2. Multitasking: The new generation of iPhone OS will enable you to run multiple apps in the background. This certainly sounds exciting for the device that has the biggest market of mobile apps.
  3. Upgrade: The OS upgrade will be available for iPhone and iPhone 3GS.
  4. Sync and UI: We are expecting some more refinements to user interface of  iPhone OS, as well as a better approach to sync contacts and calendar applications.

Everyone will get the real facts, only at this event on January 27th, 2010. We hope that many of our expected features will come very near to implementation.
What are you expecting from this event and which features you think will be implemented in the new tablet and iPhone OS? Do let us know in the comments.

[Image and news source: Foxnews]

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