Weblog Tools Collection: Plugin Developers: What Is Your Wishlist?

Back in October, we told you about the new compatibility box that was added to the plugin pages within the repository. However, we’ve learned that this feature has one major drawback which is the crux behind this idea proposed by shinephp.

I propose to add the field e.g. ‘Problem description’ required for input if visitor click ‘Broken’ button in the Compatibility widget.

I’ve talked with a number of plugin developers and they have all said the same thing. The compatibility box is useless if feedback can not be tied to the rating. Sure, a support topic can be opened for the plugin but there is nothing tying that forum post to the broken rating. Mark Jaquith weighed in with an even better idea.

They should get a chance (or a mandate) to provide feedback, and that feedback should open a new support thread.

However, first, plugin authors need to be able to resolve support threads about their plugin. Otherwise, they’re going to have a pile of duplicate threads.

I’m no plugin author, but I’d like to know from those who are what tools or processes need to be in place in order for you to continue using the repository versus your own setup. Obviously with your own setup, you can do whatever is necessary surrounding your plugin. The repository has its limits, especially when it comes to supporting plugins through the WordPress.org support forum that I hope Mark’s idea can address in the future.

So as a plugin author, what is your wish list for the plugin repository to make things easier on you?

Weblog Tools Collection: Plugin Developers: What Is Your Wishlist?

Back in October, we told you about the new compatibility box that was added to the plugin pages within the repository. However, we’ve learned that this feature has one major drawback which is the crux behind this idea proposed by shinephp.

I propose to add the field e.g. ‘Problem description’ required for input if visitor click ‘Broken’ button in the Compatibility widget.

I’ve talked with a number of plugin developers and they have all said the same thing. The compatibility box is useless if feedback can not be tied to the rating. Sure, a support topic can be opened for the plugin but there is nothing tying that forum post to the broken rating. Mark Jaquith weighed in with an even better idea.

They should get a chance (or a mandate) to provide feedback, and that feedback should open a new support thread.

However, first, plugin authors need to be able to resolve support threads about their plugin. Otherwise, they’re going to have a pile of duplicate threads.

I’m no plugin author, but I’d like to know from those who are what tools or processes need to be in place in order for you to continue using the repository versus your own setup. Obviously with your own setup, you can do whatever is necessary surrounding your plugin. The repository has its limits, especially when it comes to supporting plugins through the WordPress.org support forum that I hope Mark’s idea can address in the future.

So as a plugin author, what is your wish list for the plugin repository to make things easier on you?

We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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