Weblog Tools Collection: Easier Theme Upgrades

Do you find upgrading themes to be a pain? To be honest, I don’t upgrade themes very often if at all but if you do, there is a newly created plugin that ought to make the process much easier on you. It’s called Easy Theme Upgrades and was developed by Chris Jean of iThemes. It’s quite simple to use. Upon giving it a test run this morning, it performed flawlessly without any errors. I also confirmed that the backup zip file contained the changes I made to the files before they were deleted. This is very handy considering many people hack their themes to bits and pieces. This method insures that you don’t lose those changes forever but instead, can go into the archived files to copy and paste your bits into the new version. One of the biggest fears in upgrading a theme is the fact that you’ll lose all your changes. Not anymore thanks to this plugin.

This plugin will soon make it onto the WordPress plugin repository and is not tied strictly to the themes that iThemes offers. I wanted to take a moment to say that a plugin such as this could have easily been released to only iThemes customers to make it as easy as possible for them to upgrade their products but instead, they have released this to the entire WordPress community. Thanks!

Weblog Tools Collection: Easier Theme Upgrades

Do you find upgrading themes to be a pain? To be honest, I don’t upgrade themes very often if at all but if you do, there is a newly created plugin that ought to make the process much easier on you. It’s called Easy Theme Upgrades and was developed by Chris Jean of iThemes. It’s quite simple to use. Upon giving it a test run this morning, it performed flawlessly without any errors. I also confirmed that the backup zip file contained the changes I made to the files before they were deleted. This is very handy considering many people hack their themes to bits and pieces. This method insures that you don’t lose those changes forever but instead, can go into the archived files to copy and paste your bits into the new version. One of the biggest fears in upgrading a theme is the fact that you’ll lose all your changes. Not anymore thanks to this plugin.

This plugin will soon make it onto the WordPress plugin repository and is not tied strictly to the themes that iThemes offers. I wanted to take a moment to say that a plugin such as this could have easily been released to only iThemes customers to make it as easy as possible for them to upgrade their products but instead, they have released this to the entire WordPress community. Thanks!

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