UbuntuOne Coming To Windows Soon

The Cloud service that Ubuntu introduced with Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala is being ported to Windows OS now. This process is currently being done by Pycon, the large community of Python developers around the world. UbuntuOne is the personal cloud of an end-user and is installed by default in Ubuntu Karmic Koala. You can use it [...]
UbuntuOne Coming To Windows Soon

ubuntu cloud

The Cloud service that Ubuntu introduced with Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala is being ported to Windows OS now. This process is currently being done by Pycon, the large community of Python developers around the world.

UbuntuOne is the personal cloud of an end-user and is installed by default in Ubuntu Karmic Koala. You can use it to back your files, as well as share it with other UbuntuOne users.

As for now, UbuntuOne service launched with Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala, offers 2 GB of free space for storing , syncing and sharing your files. If you want more space, the service is economical enough to offer you extra 50 GB of space for just 10$ a month. And the service is reliable enough,  for it is supported by server cluster of Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu OS.

Although this cloud service being attractive to users, is not being utilized by a large chunk of end-users. The main reason behind this, is the platform that this service is supporting now. For now, it is only available for Linux OS. But, if Pycon developers are successful in porting this service, to used with Windows, the popularity of UbuntuOne will increase many folds.

If we look at the current players of personal cloud storage in the market, the major ones are Dropbox, Livemesh and so on. So what extra does UbuntuOne has to attract cloud users towards itself ? It indeed has a simple and very strong reason. If it is ported to Windows, users having dual-boot Windows/Linux, will be able to store and sync their data from two of the major OS in the market.

We are waiting eagerly for it to be available for Windows. Maybe, many users will eventually switch to UbuntuOne from Dropbox and similar services. What is your opinion? Do let us know through comments.

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