Twitter’s Development History in a Code Swarm Video

Well, it’s not really Windows 7 related but interesting to watch if you are a fan of Twitter like us. Twitter has launched a new twitter engineering blog that focuses on things that are more technical related. And the very first Hello World post by Ben Sandofsky has this very interesting video that beautifully illustrate [...]
Twitter’s Development History in a Code Swarm Video


Well, it’s not really Windows 7 related but interesting to watch if you are a fan of Twitter like us.

Twitter has launched a new twitter engineering blog that focuses on things that are more technical related. And the very first Hello World post by Ben Sandofsky has this very interesting video that beautifully illustrate the whole Twitter’s development history from April 2006 to January 2010 in Code Swarm format, a tool that is used to visualize the data.

As a fun way to kick things off, I ran Code Swarm over a few essential production apps. Icons represent developers, and particles represent files added or modified. It doesn’t cover prototypes or contributions to open source, so it isn’t exactly scientific, but it still goes to show Twitter’s explosive growth mirrored in engineering.

It does look pretty awesome when watching the number of icons and amount of particles exploring.

Twitter Code Swarm from Ben Sandofsky on Vimeo.

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