Windows 7 introduced the new Libraries feature, which in another way replaced the My Documents, My Pictures, My Music and My Videos .etc that was used to be in the previous OS. The new directory structure now has a new hierarchy called “Libraries†by default user cannot delete the Libraries directory, but there are tweaks you can do that.
I personally found the new file structure in Windows 7 does a better job in organizing all my files, not only the new “Library†structure, but Microsoft has also added some new ways to manage your Windows Explorer to make it easier find documents.
You can now have a very distinct group by setting in the windows 7 (this feature was in Windows Vista as well, but default setting are different) and you will have more freedom on arrange the way file are organized.
The Problem
It gets even harder when you have lots of documents, and lots of folders. Yes you can arrange it by most recent, or by name, size, or even type. Deal with large number of files you might still find yourself panic at finding the right file.
The Solution
Use the group by setting. Making documents easier to arrange, and collapse the panel when you don’t need. Here I’m group by my picture in date, so the most recent always showing up. This way you are limiting the number of items that you are looking for and you will have a better chance at finding the right file. Also you can increase the thumbnail size simply by holding Ctrl and Scroll your mouse Scrolls.
You can group everything into basically anything you want
Right Click and you get the option to Group By Date, Name, Tags, Size, Rating or even add your own custom field by going to the more… option.
I personally like to keep everything grouped by date, also you in order to make this show up you have to make sure you are arrange by Folder. This setting is on the top right of your Windows Explorer. Otherwise you will see nothing from your Explorer.
Enjoy and make your documents stay organized !