The State of the Technology Union

As State of the Union addresses go, Obama's last week really wasn't bad -- with two exceptions. He kind of missed the Steve Jobs' lesson that if you are going to imply magical, what you say should be amazing. Having our "Sputnik moment" be faster trains, more electric cars, and faster Internet was hardly magic, though had it replaced this one in 1930 by Franklin Roosevelt, it would have met that test.
The State of the Technology Union

As State of the Union addresses go, Obama’s last week really wasn’t bad — with two exceptions. He kind of missed the Steve Jobs’ lesson that if you are going to imply magical, what you say should be amazing. Having our “Sputnik moment” be faster trains, more electric cars, and faster Internet was hardly magic, though had it replaced this one in 1930 by Franklin Roosevelt, it would have met that test. The other part was universal healthcare. This had been rammed through in a way that the opposing party felt was a personal affront.

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