The Google-tivo Deal: What It Means For You – PC World


The Google-tivo Deal: What It Means For You
PC World
Google and tivo are teaming up for a new deal that'll put your clicking habits into the hands of advertisers. Before you grab the nearest "privacy violation" placard, though, check out the specifics of this arrangement -- it's probably far less ...
CNET News Daily Podcast: Google to track tivo dataCNET News

Google eyeballs to track Tivo watchersRegister
Google, tivo Partner For TV DataInformationWeek
PC Magazine -San Francisco Chronicle -Reuters
all 112 news articles »
The Google-tivo Deal: What It Means For You – PC World


The Google-tivo Deal: What It Means For You
PC World
Google and tivo are teaming up for a new deal that'll put your clicking habits into the hands of advertisers. Before you grab the nearest "privacy violation" placard, though, check out the specifics of this arrangement — it's probably far less
CNET News Daily Podcast: Google to track tivo dataCNET News

Google eyeballs to track Tivo watchersRegister
Google, tivo Partner For TV DataInformationWeek
PC Magazine –San Francisco Chronicle –Reuters
all 112 news articles »

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