The CodePlex is finally not all Microsoft

CodePlex foundation, a Microsoft backed Open-Source foundation dealing in hosting and supporting Open-Source projects, is quite notorious. Some accuse it of supplying code to be put as proprietary windows codes while others regard it as an attempt by Microsoft to pacify FOSS fans. Either way, Microsoft is working with Open-Source and it is a good sign.

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The CodePlex is finally not all Microsoft

CodePlex foundation, a Microsoft backed Open-Source foundation dealing in hosting and supporting Open-Source projects, is quite notorious. Some accuse it of supplying code to be put as proprietary windows codes while others regard it as an attempt by Microsoft to pacify FOSS fans. Either way, Microsoft is working with Open-Source and it is a good sign.

Moving ahead on this, yesterday, the CodePlex foundation accepted its first non-Microsoft project, the MVC Contrib. This project aims at providing the developers of ASP.NET applications to run and test their UI. It simply runs the developed apps on top of the ASP.NET MVC framework. This makes testing of web-design UI elements a lot easier.

The project is headed and supported by Eric Hexter and Jeffrey Palermo, who are employees with a software development firm from named Headspring.

In a statement from CodePlex, Eric Hexter, the Director of Open Source software initiatives remarked,

By contributing the MVC Contrib project to the CodePlex Foundation, we are stepping up to help bridge the gap between corporations and the open source community.

CodePlex has become famous over a small time span with the .NET developers. The credit goes to the thousand .NET fans and the million FOSS fans who helped spread the word. The CodePlex sees this hosting as a major improvement to its expansion prospects beyond Microsoft projects.

The CodePlex is finally not all Microsoft originally appeared on Techie Buzz written by Chinmoy Kanjilal on Wednesday 17th February 2010 06:00:37 PM. Please read the Terms of Use for fair usage guidance.

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