Texting makes children better spellers, study reveals

A recent study claims regular text messaging can help children to become better spellers and readers, receive higher scores in verbal reasoning tests and develop an awareness of rhyming words.

The study, conducted among a group of eight to 12-year-olds by Dr. Clare Wood, a reader of development psychology at Coventry University found that kids who texted regularly were unlikely to be among the problem readers or spellers in their class.


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Although the use of text speak has worried many guardians of the English language and examiners have voiced concern over it cropping up in student’s exam answers, Dr. Wood’s study suggests children using "phonologically based textisms" often proved to be the best at spelling.

Dr. Wood said: "We began studying in this area initially to see if there was any evidence of association between text abbreviation use and literacy skills at all after such a negative portrayal of the activity in the media.

"We were surprised to learn that not only was the association strong but that textism use was actually driving the development of phonological awareness and reading skill in children."

She also advocated texting as a good use of written English, since it allows children to practice both spelling and reading skills daily.

So, kids: gt txtn, its gd 4 u!


Link: Techradar

Texting makes children better spellers, study reveals

A recent study claims regular text messaging can help children to become better spellers and readers, receive higher scores in verbal reasoning tests and develop an awareness of rhyming words.

The study, conducted among a group of eight to 12-year-olds by Dr. Clare Wood, a reader of development psychology at Coventry University found that kids who texted regularly were unlikely to be among the problem readers or spellers in their class.


Apple iPhone 4.0 OS information leaked: available for iPhone 3G and 3GS

Brits waste £13bn on unused mobile tariff content annually

Although the use of text speak has worried many guardians of the English language and examiners have voiced concern over it cropping up in student’s exam answers, Dr. Wood’s study suggests children using "phonologically based textisms" often proved to be the best at spelling.

Dr. Wood said: "We began studying in this area initially to see if there was any evidence of association between text abbreviation use and literacy skills at all after such a negative portrayal of the activity in the media.

"We were surprised to learn that not only was the association strong but that textism use was actually driving the development of phonological awareness and reading skill in children."

She also advocated texting as a good use of written English, since it allows children to practice both spelling and reading skills daily.

So, kids: gt txtn, its gd 4 u!


Link: Techradar

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