Styling Webpages With ARIA’s ‘Landmark Roles’

We’ve covered how you can make your webapps more accessible using WAI-ARIA — the W3C’s emerging specification for Accessible Rich Internet Applications — but did you know ARIA can also help style your pages? Web developer Jeremy Keith recently took a look at how ARIA’s “landmark roles” can be used, not only to make your [...]
Styling Webpages With ARIA’s ‘Landmark Roles’

We’ve covered how you can make your webapps more accessible using WAI-ARIA — the W3C’s emerging specification for Accessible Rich Internet Applications — but did you know ARIA can also help style your pages?

Web developer Jeremy Keith recently took a look at how ARIA’s “landmark roles” can be used, not only to make your pages more accessible, but for styling purposes as well. Consider HTML5’s header and footer tags. The average page has a main header and footer and then may also use the same tags within an article tag, for example, to wrap a headline, dateline and other auxiliary information.

So how do you target just the main header and footer tags without also styling the inner tags? Well, you could drop some IDs in your page, something like <header id="main">. But ideally the ID attribute is not simply a styling hook to be thrown around at the designer’s whim.

Keith points out a better way: using ARIA’s landmark roles. To stick with the same example, you could write something like this:

<header role="banner">
    ...header code here

Now you can target that specific header tag with CSS’s attribute selector:

header[role="banner"] {
    your styles here

Not only have you avoided the plague of otherwise meaningless ID attributes, you get the accessibility benefits too — ARIA roles are supported in JAWS, NVDA and Voiceover. It’s a win-win solution: more accessible code with styling hooks built in.

Be sure to read through Keith’s post for some landmark role examples. Also see our early post on building a more accessible web with WAI-ARIA, and of course, read through the WAI-ARIA role spec, which has more examples and guidelines for when and where to use them.

Italian Masks photo by Peter Lee/Flickr/CC

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