Re: TXT to PDF?

Yes - but few run from a BAT file, few are free, thus my query to this group, hoping someone has a favorite that they will recommend. ...
Re: TXT to PDF?

Yes – but few run from a BAT file, few are free, thus my query to this
group, hoping someone has a favorite that they will recommend.


"Jose" <> wrote in message

If you perform a Google search for:

convert text to pdf

You will get 5M+ hits.

Which of those have you tried?

On Sep 4, 10:11 am, "Paul H" <NoSpamphobergNoS…> wrote:
> I need to convert TXT files to PDF files. It must run from a BAT file. Are
> there any other programs I should consider besides txt2pdf by pdfzilla?
> TIA, Paul

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