Put Your Crypto Investments on Auto-Pilot


As a crypto investor, you often find it very difficult to invest and keep track of your investments in coins and tokens? Wouldn’t you like a way your money works for you on auto pilot mode and see all your investments easily and get rid of buy and sell different coins manually? Here’s how Heleum and Uphold could help.

What is uphold? uphold logo
Uphold, a cloud based financial services platform that enables anyone, anywhere to move, convert, hold and transact in any form of money or commodity instantly and securely. … Simply put, Uphold is the Internet of Money.

heleum logoWhat is Heleum?
Heleum is an automated app that grows your money over the long-term by letting it float into rising currencies.

Uphold is an online wallet that helps you store your money in many different currencies. Then, you allow Heleum to access your account.

How does Heleum work?
Heleum divides a user’s available funds into “balloons.” A balloon is released when its funds are moved to another currency (national and crypto). (Read more about balloon launching here and here.)

Heleum watches the exchange rates between currencies and moves the funds inside a balloon when it’s most advantageous.

Moving between multiple currencies produces a relative gain (small or large) automatically. This causes balloons to float higher and higher as the overall gain increases.

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How do I join Heleum?

To join Heleum you must be a Verified Member on Uphold. Please follow these steps to join Uphold, become a Verified Member, and then join Heleum.

  1. Go to Signup Link
  2. Once you have created your account and verified your email address, follow this document to become a Verified Member.
  3. Once they have confirmed your status as a Verified Member, go to Heleum.com/login.
  4. Authorize Heleum for use with Uphold.

If you are already a Verified Member on Uphold, simply authorize Heleum by going to Heleum.com/login and entering your Uphold login credentials.

Before you can fund your Heleum account, you must fund your Uphold account. Follow this document to fund your Uphold account via bank transfer. Or follow this document to fund your Uphold account via cryptocurrency. (The ability to fund your account with your credit or debit card has been temporarily suspended by Uphold.)

To fund Heleum, please follow these steps.

  1. Go to Heleum.com/login.
  2. On the top left, open the Menu.
  3. Click “Add Funds”.
  4. Select “From Uphold Card”. (From Uphold-connected Bank Account coming soon.)
  5. Click “Select Uphold Card” to select your funding source.
  6. Enter the funding amount. Click “Proceed to Next Step”.
  7. Verify the requested amount and click “Complete Transaction”.

Allow up to 20 minutes to process the request. This will be automatic in the future. Click “Continue” to return to your Heleum account overview.

NOTE: You will find new currency cards in Uphold created by Heleum with the title <DO NOT TOUCH>. These are for use by the app and transferring to or from these cards will cause activity on your Heleum account to pause. Please do not do this. If you do, please contact Heleum Support here to get your account activity restarted.

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