PS3 Exploit Finally Released by George Hotz

Earlier on January 24, 2010, we had reported about the Sony PS3 hack by George Hotz. Just now, the hacker has released the hack for download. Yes ! We were wrong, he has finally hacked the Sony PS3. For now, we cannot confirm that his hack is working or not, but the fact that he has released the hack for open public, shows that he has finally managed to hack the Sony PS3.
PS3 Exploit Finally Released by George Hotz

Earlier on January 24, 2010, we had reported about the Sony PS3 hack by George Hotz. Just now, the hacker has released the hack for download. Yes ! We were wrong, he has finally hacked the Sony PS3.

For now, we cannot confirm that his hack is working or not, but the fact that he has released the hack for open public, shows that he has finally managed to hack the Sony PS3.

As posted on George Hotz’s blog:

In the interest of openness, I’ve decided to release the exploit. Hopefully, this will ignite the PS3 scene, and you will organize and figure out how to use this to do practical things, like the iPhone when jailbreaks were first released.

We cannot write into details about the hack he has posted, but for the overview he has made the hack available for download on his blog. The downloaded zip file contains:

  • 1 shell script file (
  • 1 Makefile
  • 1 text document with the instructions on how to carry out the hack (instructions).
  • 1 C file (exploit.c) containing the hack program.
  • 1 screenshot (pokemehere).

He has posted about the working details of the hack, saying:

This is the coveted PS3 exploit, gives full memory access and therefore ring 0 access from OtherOS. Enjoy your hypervisor dumps. This is known to work with version 2.4.2 only, but I imagine it works on all current versions. Maybe later I’ll write up how it works 🙂

For further details you can read his blog and can follow him on Twitter as @geohot.

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