Ps3 3.60 custom firmware (jailbreak)

Ps3 3.60 custom firmware (jailbreak)

This video was made by winocm, which he says, “here’s that 3.60 hack that’ll never be released.” A well respected developer who goes by the name drizzt, just tweeted a chat log belonging to Mathieulh. In the log, assuming that it’s true (or genuine), Mathieulh says that he has codes running on firmware v3.60; but added that he’ll keep it to himself. Ouch! Extra Tags: Jailbreak 3.50 3.55 3.56 3.60 PS3 Firmware! ps3 custom firmware kakarotos hack mod tutorial download play station geohot jailbreak 3.41 ps black ops challenge lobby 15th prestige pro CL w@w cod4 cod call of duty MW2 modern warfare official sony hd psp portable ftp server back up manager backup homebrew program windows mac hacked how to proof free christechtv games iso modding nazi zombie modchip no dongle required needed usb hunter128 Jailbreak ps3 downgrade playstation 3 three ps 3 firmware games free movies tutorial manager speed jailbreak unlock usb mod chip groove 3.55 psgroove psfreedom ps3 ps playstation3 psx mod mods modz hack hacks hackz jailbreak jb psjb ps3jb psjailbreak hacked modded sony boot backup manager homebrew brew sdk 3.41 3.4x 3.42 3.15 gaming \”video iPhone Tutorial Download how to jailbroken modchip backup games God of War III GOW3 GOW Little Big Planet LBP Condemned Android phone ifunbox iPhoDroid game warfare consoles iphone palm pre ti-84 ti-83 android droid idroid htc evo 4g 3g desire hd motorola ipod touch crack bluray hermes geohot exploit freedon ozmodchip * PS3 * ps3

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