Pocket God – Bolt Creative

Pocket God – Bolt Creative
Pocket God artwork

Pocket God

Bolt Creative

Genre: Entertainment

Price: $0.99

Release Date: January 09, 2009

Episode 30: Great Job Ice Hole!
The winter mayhem continues with an all new god power. Pinch the sun larger or smaller (or is it closer or further?) and the temperature changes. Make it cooler and the pygmies get an icy chill…until they freeze completely. Make it larger and they become hot and listless. If they overheat for too long, they catch on fire. If they are on the ice island, they will melt a hole in the island!. There they can fish, or encounter a squid monster. Also included is an easter egg. Drop something (from a different island, perhaps?) in the ice hole and a create a huge ice geyser!

Also included is a purchasable dance pack (99 cents, cheap!). This augments the dance function with 7 new dances, including The Fan Dance, The Chicken Dance, The Robot, All The Single Ladies and even Pants on the Ground with audio included! The pygmy zombies get a new "Smooth Criminal" Dance and the vampire can shake his booty to, "Staying Alive" with the other pygmies acting as backup dancers!

or visit our blog for all the latest goings on:


What kind of god would you be? Benevolent or vengeful? Play Pocket God and discover the answer within yourself. On a remote island, you are the all-powerful god that rules over the primitive islanders. You can bring new life, and then take it away just as quickly. Exercise your powers on the islanders. Lift them in the air, alter gravity, hit them with lightning…you're the island god! All god powers are demonstrated in Pocket God's help menu.

Pocket God is an episodic microgame for you to explore, show your friends and have fun with. We have been growing the game with the help of player suggestions! What sort of godly powers would you like to see added?


Ep 1 (1/9/09): Nowhere To Go, Nothin' To Do
Ep 2 (1/14/09): Does this Megabyte Make My App Look Fat?
Ep 3: (1/20/09): You Always Hurt the One You Lava
Ep 4: (1/29/09): Shake That App!
Ep 5: (2/5/09): A Storm is Coming
Ep 6: (2/14/09): And on the 7th Day, Rest!
Ep 7: (2/20/09): Just Give Us 5 Minutes
Ep 8: (2/26/09): Jump the Shark
Ep 9: (3/6/09): Idle Hands
Ep 10: (3/15/09): Hi, Dracula!
Ep 11: (3/23/09): A Mighty Wind
Ep 12: (4/8/09): Something's Fishy…
Ep 13: (4/8/09): March of the Fire Ants
Ep 14: (4/17/09): Say My Name!
Ep 15: (4/27/09): A New Home
Ep 16: (5/8/09); The Tyrannosaurus Strikes Back!
Ep 17: (5/19/09): Return of the Pygmy
Ep 18: (6/1/09): Surf's Up
Ep 19: (6/8/09): Fun 'n Games Until A Pygmy Gets Hurt
Ep 20: (7/3/09): Stop! My App is On Fire!
Ep 21: (7/9/09): Flipping the Bird
Ep 22: (7/24/09): Ooga Jump
Ep 23: (8/5/09); Bait Master
Ep 24: (8/19/09): Idle Hands 2: Caught with your Pants Down
Ep 25: (9/2/09): Sharks With Frickin' Laser Beams Attached To Their Heads
Ep 26: (9/17/09): Dead Pygmy Walking
Ep 27: (10/6/09): Good Will Haunting
Ep 28: (10/28/09): Barking Spider, Crouching Pygmy
Ep 29: (12/1/09): The Pyg Chill
Ep 30: (1/27/09): Great Job Ice Hole

Next Episode *: To Be Announced

* The "episode" title hints at the newest feature(s). The latest episode release contains ALL the features from previous releases.

© 2009 Bolt Creative Inc.

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