Opera Shows Off iPhone Browser

Apple Insider is today reporting that Opera has been showing a new version of its mobile browser made especially for the iPhone, which it says has not yet been put forward for approval by Apple’s App Store. The Opera iPhone browser, Opera Mini, was on display at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, but only [...]
Opera Shows Off iPhone Browser

Apple Insider is today reporting that Opera has been showing a new version of its mobile browser made especially for the iPhone, which it says has not yet been put forward for approval by Apple’s App Store. The Opera iPhone browser, Opera Mini, was on display at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, but only to media and partners and not to the public, according to Apple Insider. A spokeswoman for Opera denied that Apple and Opera were working together on the browser. However, as Apple Insider ventures to suggest, if that’s the case, then Opera may well be wasting its time, as Apple usually rejects any third-party browsers submitted for its approval as a replacement for its Safari browser. A pity, as Opera has claimed that its browser is six times faster than Safari when running on 3G, and it also restarts with the same session when you open and close it, which is always a handy feature in any browser.


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