Opera 10.10 United with Unite again

It has been quite some time since Opera announced its upcoming Unite technology that would "reinvent the web". In the meantime we have seen Google Wave, and Chrome OS, and SPDY. None have anything to do with Opera, but the fact is, the web is being reinvented with or without Opera.   So for those who missed out on Opera Unite, it is a new innovative feature in Opera 10.10 which embeds a web-server into your browser. What would be the benefit of that you ask?    Web [...]
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Opera 10.10 United with Unite again

It has been quite some time since Opera announced its upcoming Unite technology that would "reinvent the web". In the meantime we have seen Google Wave, and Chrome OS, and SPDY. None have anything to do with Opera, but the fact is, the web is being reinvented with or without Opera.
So for those who missed out on Opera Unite, it is a new innovative feature in Opera 10.10 which embeds a web-server into your browser. What would be the benefit of that you ask? 

Web […]
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