Online Tools for Your Startup

"Finding the tools you need when you first start a new business can be difficult, but luckily there are more and more web applications to ease some of that pain. You can take care of just about any challenge from designing your logo to even answering the phone … yes, via the Web. No longer are you shackled by what your locale offers you when you have the entire world at your fingertips."

[via sitepoint]
Online Tools for Your Startup

“Finding the tools you need when you first start a new business can be difficult, but luckily there are more and more web applications to ease some of that pain. You can take care of just about any challenge from designing your logo to even answering the phone … yes, via the Web. No longer are you shackled by what your locale offers you when you have the entire world at your fingertips.”

[via sitepoint]

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