On GPL Compliance, Android Tablets Get an ‘F’

There seems to be no stopping the current avalanche of Android tablets, and that's undoubtedly a good thing for Linux. A shadow was recently cast upon that otherwise sunny landscape, however, in the form of a report by Red Hat employee and Linux kernel developer Matthew Garrett examining said tablets' GPL compliance.
On GPL Compliance, Android Tablets Get an ‘F’

There seems to be no stopping the current avalanche of Android tablets, and that’s undoubtedly a good thing for Linux. A shadow was recently cast upon that otherwise sunny landscape, however, in the form of a report examining said tablets’ GPL compliance. “The GPL requires that vendors either provide the source code to the GPL components with the device, or alternatively to provide a written offer to provide the source code upon request,” explained Red Hat employee and Linux kernel developer Matthew Garrett in an analysis of today’s Android tablets.

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