Nintendo DSi LL innards explored

  The good and brave folks at Impress Watch recently tore down a DSi LL to investigate differences this console has in relation to its predecessor. As some of you may have suspected, in most ways there is very little difference and most of the changes are in place to support the console’s larger screen.   DSi LL or DSi XL as it is known outside of Japan has a larger motherboard and this they speculate is to accommodate the wider placement of buttons. That is the directional [...]
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Nintendo DSi LL innards explored

The good and brave folks at Impress Watch recently tore down a DSi LL to investigate differences this console has in relation to its predecessor. As some of you may have suspected, in most ways there is very little difference and most of the changes are in place to support the console’s larger screen.
DSi LL or DSi XL as it is known outside of Japan has a larger motherboard and this they speculate is to accommodate the wider placement of buttons. That is the directional […]
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