New Leaked IE9 Pre-RC Build Availble for Download

Not too long ago Microsoft released the official beta of the new Internet Explorer 9.  Since then a new Internet Explorer 9 beta build has leaked to the web, originally reserved for close partners and TAP testers.  It is was originally thought that it was a beta 2, but has since been confirmed that it... Read More...
New Leaked IE9 Pre-RC Build Availble for Download

IE9 beta logoNot too long ago Microsoft released the official beta of the new Internet Explorer 9.  Since then a new Internet Explorer 9 beta build has leaked to the web, originally reserved for close partners and TAP testers.  It is was originally thought that it was a beta 2, but has since been confirmed that it is from the release canidate branch.

Internet Explorer 9 build 9.0.8027.6000, which was build was compiled as recently as November 19, is the most recent leaked build available.  Users who have installed the leaked build can clearly notice the entry of Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate entry under installed updates.

At first glance, the leaked build doesn’t include any new UI tweaks or additions, but what it does bring to the table, is a number of stability and bug fixes.  I’m sure those of you that have played around with IE9 beta 1, know that it can be quiet buggy and unstable at time.   The leaked build 9.0.8027.6000 is certain glance into the future of what Microsoft has in store for us.

Microsoft has no plans to release a beta 2 build of IE9.  Instead Microsoft is preparing a public launch of a Release Candidate version of IE 9.

Those daring enough to test out the recent leaked builds can do, but remember you need to be running at least Microsoft Vista SP2 or higher.

Internet Explorer 9 build 9.0.8027.6000

[via MyDigitalLife]

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