MWC: The best phones from day three

Mobile World Congress is winding down, but you'd hardly know it from the number of launches still hitting the headlines. Days one and two were epic in terms of shiny new goodies, but day three has been more about the detail:

HTC Smart:

Exciting as it's the first 'budget' Android smartie to be announced. Be sure there's many more of these heading your way in the coming months - the HTC Smart is just the beginning...

Stephen Fry:

No tech event would be complete without Mr Fry, and he's done us proud again, bringing a sex angle to an otherwise platonic MWC gadget love-in...

Blackberry browser:

Will the new Blackberry WebKit browser bring Blackberry sweetness to the kids? We're not sure, but better browser equals better phone, unless we're much mistaken...

Facebook Zero:

Not satisfied with Facebook Lite? Well rejoice, cos there's an even lighter option now - Facebook Zero.

BBC iPhone attack:

Finally Auntie has woken up to the Apple iPhone and launched a news and sport app. There's even hints of an Android iPlayer in the wings. What took them so long?

MWC: The best phones from day three

Mobile World Congress is winding down, but you’d hardly know it from the number of launches still hitting the headlines. Days one and two were epic in terms of shiny new goodies, but day three has been more about the detail:

HTC Smart:

Exciting as it’s the first ‘budget’ Android smartie to be announced. Be sure there’s many more of these heading your way in the coming months – the HTC Smart is just the beginning…

Stephen Fry:

No tech event would be complete without Mr Fry, and he’s done us proud again, bringing a sex angle to an otherwise platonic MWC gadget love-in…

Blackberry browser:

Will the new Blackberry WebKit browser bring Blackberry sweetness to the kids? We’re not sure, but better browser equals better phone, unless we’re much mistaken…

Facebook Zero:

Not satisfied with Facebook Lite? Well rejoice, cos there’s an even lighter option now – Facebook Zero.

BBC iPhone attack:

Finally Auntie has woken up to the Apple iPhone and launched a news and sport app. There’s even hints of an Android iPlayer in the wings. What took them so long?

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