Moving to a new city? Why not rent a local friend!

When you travel, you always wonder what are you really missing on that country, sure you can use the internet and tourism agents to figure your way around for some adventure, but if you had some local friends you will definitely enjoy your stay more, here is something out of the box, why not rent a local friend! I’ve [...]
Moving to a new city? Why not rent a local friend!

When you travel, you always wonder what are you really missing on that country, sure you can use the internet and tourism agents to figure your way around for some adventure, but if you had some local friends you will definitely enjoy your stay more, here is something out of the box, why not rent a local friend!

I’ve never tried their service, but the idea is really good, according to their website, they can offer a full local experience in different cities in Brazil, USA, Portugal, Spain, UK, France, China, and India. Sounds interesting!

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