Microsoft: Chrome Frame makes IE less secure

Microsoft has responded to the public flogging that was Google Chrome Frame, with a singular message it's "not a risk we would recommend our friends and families take." For once they're right! It's not a risk we'd want anyone from our family to take either. Rather, discard the already outdated Internet Explorer 8, and just use Google Chrome, or some other Read BrowserTM such as Firefox. While you wait for IE9 coming with Windows 8, you'll probably have seen a Firefox 5, Chrome 20, O [...]
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Microsoft: Chrome Frame makes IE less secure

Microsoft has responded to the public flogging that was Google Chrome Frame, with a singular message it’s "not a risk we would recommend our friends and families take."

For once they’re right! It’s not a risk we’d want anyone from our family to take either. Rather, discard the already outdated Internet Explorer 8, and just use Google Chrome, or some other Read BrowserTM such as Firefox. While you wait for IE9 coming with Windows 8, you’ll probably have seen a Firefox 5, Chrome 20, O […]
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