Mario Frustration Custom World 3-1

Mario Frustration Custom World 3-1

Download link… This is the hardest level in the world, i think anyways, even though i did the hard parts relatively fast its because i got lucky, most of the time it will be a fricken pain to complete this level, it actually took me longer the first time but i forgot to record so i couldn’t post it. Imagine if i didn’t use save states it could of taken hours to complete because i got lucky on the parts with hitting the Blocks when i am on the Falling platform, really it would take up to hours without using save states. Going through the Bricks was not by using a cheat, i placed an invisible block right next to the left side of one of the bricks so you could go through, this makes the game think that there is no room for mario, therefore it programs the game to allow the wall to be an exit. But since you can go through invisible blocks from the top when you go into another wall it thinks you have no room so its an automatic escape to prevent getting stuck. If there was anyone who could be able to beat this level without dying once, i would think you are one of the best mario bros players, because of the fact that the bean stock part was a fluke i highly doubt that i could ever do that again. If you want this rom email, tho it does not have this rom yet, when i post the World 3-2, 3-3 and 3-4 then the rom that i send you will contain World 3. Oh and a little side note the current worlds are… World 1 -Darkness World (Glitch World

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