Japanese Man To Legally Marry Video Game Character

Technology is a strange and beautiful thing.  Within the internet you can be 100lbs lighter and much more successful.  Pick yourself up a Nintendo DS and you can even get your very own virtual girlfriend.  No, I don’t mean just dating a person through the internet, I mean dating a girl that actually doesn’t exist [...]
Japanese Man To Legally Marry Video Game Character


Technology is a strange and beautiful thing.  Within the internet you can be 100lbs lighter and much more successful.  Pick yourself up a Nintendo DS and you can even get your very own virtual girlfriend.  No, I don’t mean just dating a person through the internet, I mean dating a girl that actually doesn’t exist in the real world.  The game Konami’s Love Plus has apparently made a Japanese man fall so deeply in love with his virtual girlfriend that he is planning to legally marry her.

The man is flying to Guam to marry the girlfriend, Nene Anegasaki.  He’s even going as far as to broadcast the reception live on the internet in Japan on Novemeber the 22nd.  I’m just curious how a virtual divorce would go.  What happens when your virtual wife ends up getting the house and an alimony check every month?

Source: Gizmodiva

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